Chupa Chups Grape 345ml
Chupa Chups Grape 345ml
Regular price
$3.49 AUD
Regular price
$3.45 AUD
Sale price
$3.49 AUD
Unit price
Chupa Chups Grape in the 345ml can is a fun, fizzy beverage that brings the sweet, juicy taste of grape candy inspired by the classic Chupa Chups lollipops. This carbonated drink delivers a burst of rich, fruity grape flavor, making it a treat for anyone who loves bold, candy-like sodas. With its deep purple color and playful design, Chupa Chups Grape soda is perfect for satisfying a sweet craving or adding a touch of nostalgia to your day. Best enjoyed chilled, it’s a refreshing way to experience the iconic taste of Chupa Chups in drink form.